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  • Save prep time for your Amazon Interview

    Save Prep Time

    Amazon candidates spend over 50 hours preparing for an interview. Cut your prep time by 50% with Stelity.

  • Reduce Amazon interview preparation stress

    Reduce Interview Stress

    Amazon demands each hire is better than 50% of the current team. Stelity gives you stress free Leadership Principles insight.

  • Maximise Amazon interview performance

    Maximise Performance

    65% of candidates are eliminated before they speak. Make a strong connection with Stelity’s confidence techniques.

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— Anna, Software Engineer

Free 5 Step guide to answer the "Why Amazon" question


5 Step Guide to answer ‘Why Amazon?’ in your interview

Develop a powerful answer you'll never doubt in under 30 minutes.


Easy and simple approaches tailored to each of the Amazon Leadership Principles.

Balancing your interviews, work, and life isn’t easy. Stelity Premium Guides give you the all information you need in one place - so you can save time and focus on your priorities.

Stelity Amazon Interview Guides

“Confidence is trusting that you are prepared and allowing yourself to be present and at ease.”

— Jo, Stelity founder

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“I’d rather interview 50 people and not hire anyone, than hire the wrong person.”

— Jeff Bezos

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